Wednesday 6 July 2011

David Heath MP Presents £5,000 cheque to Aller Park Rangers

Footballers at Aller Park Rangers F.C. are celebrating the award of a £5,000 grant from the Football Foundation, the country’s largest sports charity. The Club was presented with a giant cheque at their home ground in Somerton by local MP David Heath and Aaron Clements from the Somerset FA.

The funding will allow Aller Park Rangers to develop 3 new teams over the next 3 years, a new mini soccer team for local young players to access, an additional youth team to cater for the growing number of players at the club, and an adult side for players moving into adult football. Steve Morrison the Chairman of the club will be overseeing the grant, supported by staff from the Somerset Football Association. The club attracts players from across South Somerset.  

Anyone interested in joining Aller Park Rangers Football Club should contact Steve Morrison Tel: 01458 251388 or email or visit the club website

Funded by the Premier League, The FA, and the Government via Sport England, the Football Foundation is the nation’s largest sports charity. Launched in July 2000, the Foundation celebrated its tenth anniversary last year and has so far supported around 8,000 community sports projects worth £945m.

Paul Thorogood, Chief Executive of the Football Foundation said: “We warmly congratulate Aller Park Rangers FC and the County FA for their hard work and dedication in securing this award.”

“Sport is playing a central role in helping people to stay fit, strengthen communities and promote responsibility amongst young people. This new project based at Somerton is but one example of thousands across the country that the Football Foundation is supporting with money provided by our funding partners – the Premier League, The FA and Government.”

Steve Morrison, Chairman of Aller Park Rangers said “This is fantastic news and on behalf of everyone at the club I would like express our sincere thanks to the Football Foundation for their continued support and generosity. This funding will enable the club to continue to grow and offer football opportunities to players of all ages and abilities. I would also like to thank Sion Kitson from the Somerset FA for all his hard work and support throughout the application process.    

Sion Kitson, Football Development Officer for South Somerset from Somerset Football Association, said: “It is great to see Aller Park Rangers receive this funding from the Football Foundation as they are working hard to grow the club and this support will allow the ambitions of the club to be realised – to provide football for all in the community. As a County Football Association we encourage clubs to create player pathways from mini soccer all the way to adult football and through this grant Aller Park Rangers are certainly moving in this positive direction.”

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