
The needlecraft group has its informal meetings on the second Monday of each month, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Village Hall. Participants bring whatever projects they feel like working on, from mending or taking in a dress to quilting; embroidery to knitting. Some do needlepoint; others crochet. Some are starting new projects; others drag in old projects that they (or others!) started long ago. At least one member, Valerie, is very experienced and formally trained through the City & Guilds Embroidery and we often bring sewing problems in for her advice.

We have a cup of coffee and a chat. Some folks in the group are new or new-ish to the area. Some have been in Aller and coming to the group for years. Still others have lived in the village for years but are just now moving into a phase of life when they have time to turn their hand to craft projects and village issues. All are welcome!

We generally charge £1.00 to help cover the cost of renting the Village Hall, but this sum may go up or down depending on how many folks are coming to the group.

Sound interesting? Come join us, whatever your needlework interest, whatever your level at 10 a.m. in the Village Hall on: 14 January, 11 February, 11 March, 8 April, 13 May, 10 June, 8 July, 12 August, 9 September, 14 October, 11 November, and 9th December 2013.