
This page provides basic information about our village newsletter, with a map of the village.

To make this newsletter a lively reflection of village life, we need your input and comments to make it serve a real purpose in our community. It's good to see new items arriving in the Blog and we hope that all the village organisations will soon be taking part. We are just one of many villages around the country which have done similar things, but we like to think Aller is a little bit special.

On some pages, and on most posts on the home page we allow the public to make comments. Please use this facility, it shows that someone is reading the information, and justifies the effort that goes into making this project work for the village. All we ask is that you identify yourself, instructions on how to comment are shown above the comments box itself, which will appear on posts once you click on the red text that says 'comments'.

Map of Aller

View Aller Village Hall in a larger map