Monday 4 July 2011

Take Note honoured with Queen's Award

We congratulate Judy Martin and her colleagues in Take Note, the local singing group that has just received the Queen's Award for Community Service.

Take Note is a group of local people who take song, music and laughter to residents of care homes, the elderly and disability groups in Somerset. They have an entertaining and varied programme from Music Hall to the present day including poetry and humorous sketches.
Under the tireless leadership of Alma Tucker their Musical Director the membership has grown. Six years ago Take Note began with around eight members but now boasts a grand total of twenty dedicated men and women. Each year the group attends around forty five performances. Add to that the rehearsals before each performance and you will agree Alma and the group have a busy year.

On the 2nd of June 2011, Take Note was honoured with the prestigious Queens Award for voluntary Service to their community. They will receive a certificate, signed by the Queen, and a commemorative crystal at a special ceremony later this year, presented by her Majesty’s representative in Somerset, Lady Gass.

Take Note are delighted with this honour but what motivates them to give of their time so freely is the difference they can make to the lives of the people they entertain. It is wonderful to observe the way that music, song and laughter lift the spirits of everyone present.

Everyone in Take Note is committed in keeping up this good work.

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