Wednesday 14 September 2011

Great FUN, good DAY

Sunday's FUN DAY at the Recreation Ground, combined with the Kart Race appears to have been a great success. We'll post some more pictures here soon.
We also picked up some interesting and useful comments for the Village Survey, which is continuing with forms being delivered door to door at present, to be returned (or collected) before next Sunday,18th Sept. This includes a question about the Jubilee celebrations, next June.There will then be a Jubilee Planning meeting, in the Village Hall at 7:15pm on 22nd September 2011.
There are some very constructive comments (and a  few unhelpful ones!) on how we can improve life in Aller. Do have your say by completing the survey, we need all shades of opinion from all ages to shape the future of the village. Just a few sample ideas below:
  • Measures to improve traffic flow and reduce speeding
  • Mother and Toddler group/Babysitting club
  • Community shop/exchange/somewhere to meet
  • Homework/After School Club
  • Tennis courts
  • Rota of volunteer drivers

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