Sunday 4 September 2011

Harvest Festival on 25th September

Please join us at St. Andrew's at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 25 for our Harvest Songs of Praise Service. This will be a different format than in previous years. Dave Mayor will lead the festivities, along with Molly Cullen and the Allerlooyas to encourage the Village sing.

We are hoping to have an auction and refreshments after the service, and welcome your contributions. Marrows are a great tradition in Aller, but we are hoping that people will donate examples of the many other sorts of "crops" that we grow here. What does your garden (orchard, kitchen, workshop...) grow? Honey? Eggs? Cider? Hand-crafted items? Would you be willing to donate a sample for sale at the Harvest auction?

This year also differs in having a major gap between Harvest Festival and the Harvest Supper, which will be just under a month later, on October 22. Details of all events will be sent via our village delivery services -- or you can check the church page here on the DragonFlyer site or check the church website (

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