Monday 16 May 2011

Up the Pole! Broadband gets nearer to the Village Hall.

At last - we are one step closer to getting broadband into the Village Hall, with the erection of the pole on Friday. Another BT team will make the internal connections, and we hope to be 'live' within two weeks. This is a community resource for anyone who has no internet access of their own and wants to use web-based facilities or e-mail.

We want to hear your ideas of how we can best make this link (and our two community computers) available for anyone in the village to use. Speak to any Village Hall committee member, your Parish Councillor or your Aller Bush Telegraph contact, or leave a comment here.

If you are not yet 'computer-savvy' and keyboards and mice are foreign to you, join our NetBuddies computer classes on Thursday mornings at 10, in the Village Hall. We cater for absolute beginners through to those with limited experience who want to brush up on their skills. The courses are free, a £2 per session subscription covers costs. We start on 19th May, and the first sessions are 'Tasters' where you can call in, talk over your needs with our volunteer helpers and decide if it is for you. Adults of all ages are welcome, we have over 50 learners in the area, our oldest is 92, all keen and making good progress. If you need to get more familiar with computers to improve your job prospects, or to operate your business, we can probably help you. If you have a relative, friend or neighbour who would benefit from taking their first steps to computer literacy, please make this known to them.

We also need more volunteer helpers with very basic computer skills so that we can run more classes at different times. If you can send an email or do your banking or shopping online, you know enough, you don't need to be any kind of expert. Call Pam or Ivor Dixon on 01458 250603 for more details.


  1. Welcome news for the village as a whole, and I would think especially so for those running businesses in the village

  2. We have now been told that broadband should go live on June 3rd. We still need your ideas on how we make this facility available to people in the village. Should we have it (and the community computers) available to organisations using the hall?


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