Wednesday 18 May 2011

Aller Park Rangers - a success story

When Steve Morrison set up Aller Park Rangers Football Club at the Aller village playing field back in November 2004 with eight 7 year olds from High Ham School, he probably never expected to see success on the present scale. Since then it's grown to become one of the biggest youth football teams in Somerset with over 180 players and now has a girls and Men's team. They have been awarded the prestigious FA Charter Standard Development award.

On Sunday 15th May over 1,000 children took part in the Aller Park Cup with clubs from all over Somerset, as well as teams from South Wales, Bristol and Devon taking part, making it one of the biggest tournaments in Somerset.

We hope soon to have a dedicated web page for the club, which still has strong links with the village, in spite of having outgrown the facilities on our own Recreation Ground.

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