Friday 2 November 2012

A Taste of Somerset

As you may have seen in the Western Gazette, the Taste of Aller evening in September raised a very impressive £530 for Yeovil Freewheelers EVS.

The evening started with a presentation by Sue Dyer and Tony Haywood from the Freewheelers explaining what they do, and Tony had brought their newest bike for peoplpe to see, a Pan European 1300cc.

After a ploughmans supply and traditional cider, donated largely by businesses local to Aller, there was live music from acoustic folk duo Mitchell and Vincent. There was also a raffle, with prizes donated by the Somerset Cider Brandy Company, Williams Supermarket and Aller residents.

I would like to say a massive thank you to the businesses who donated food and drink for the evening, to Mitchell and Vincent (who performed free of charge and were extremely well received) and all who came along to support the evening.

Thank you to:
Maisey’s Bakery (Othery)
S&E Briffett Butcher (Westonzoyland)

Tony Haywood gives presentation as the ploughmans await!

Graham Vincent and David Mitchell played throughout the evening

The newest of the "Blood Bikes" was on show

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