Monday 26 March 2012

Community Savings Scheme for the Levels

It started in Aller, with a few random comments in the Village Survey last year. Now it's up and running!
Langport & Levels Area Savings & Thrift (LLAST) is a Community Savings Scheme affiliated to Camelot Credit Union, which covers the whole South Somerset District. We are based at The Angel in Langport, open on Friday mornings from 11am to 1pm. We offer safe and secure savings, covered by life insurance and the Finanancial Services Compensation Scheme, and small, affordable loans, regulated by FSA, to members. You pay just £1 to join, and all ages are welcome, though you can't take out a loan until you are 18, and you have to save for 13 weeks before being eligible to borrow.
Follow us on Twitter @_LLAST or visit

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