Saturday 28 January 2012

Remember our campaign for better Broadband?

A year ago we ran a survey in Aller to find out just how bad our broadband was. We repeated it in Langport and Somerton, with similar results. Let's face it - it is pretty poor, and it's not improved!

We now have a partnership arrangement with NextGenUs UK CIC and are rapidly moving forward to get Superfast Broadband into the Langport and Levels area way ahead of the County Council scheme. Being a hybrid Fibre optic/Wireless solution it's not dependent on the old BT cables that cause so many problems, and it is not affected by distance from the exchange (Bere residents note!). We're concentrating on a 10 mile radius around Langport and currently are collecting names on a Register of Interest - individual home users, home workers, farms and businesses can sign up, without commitment. The full details, including pricing, are on a new web site, and you can sign up here.

Please spread the news to friends without an internet connection. We need around 100 potential subscribers signed up to move to the next phase, and we already have 20+.

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