Monday 10 October 2011

Add your vote for local community groups

Two local groups are applying for funding in the current round of the NatWest CommunityForce initiative, Langport Church Community Trust and South Somerset Links (SSVCA). Links provides transport for anyone who finds it difficult to get to the shops, surgery etc. The Angel project in Langport, run by the Langport Church Community Trust, is expanding its services as a community hub and needs the extra funding to complete essential building work.

In each CommunityForce area they will be making awards of £6,000 each to three community projects with local people deciding the winners by casting their vote. Closing date is Oct 23rd.

Full details of the initiative and registration are available on the CommunityForce website.
You can vote online or by telephone.
TO VOTE BY TELEPHONE call 0800 2100 246, you will be asked to provide your name and the project(s) you wish to vote for – Langport Church Community Trust and South Somerset Links (SSVCA).
you first need to register at - You will then be sent an email asking you to confirm your registration, when you have confirmed it by clicking on the link provided, you will be taken back to the web site to first log in and then click on “Find a project”.
At the Filter projects "map" page, select "project name" and key "Langport", click green button, and then select green "list" button. Langport Church Community Trust page will then appear, click "read more" to continue and vote.
Please repeat by entering “South Somerset” to select Links, a local community based transport project serving a wide cross section of the local population with local drivers and volunteers making it possible for the elderly, infirm, disabled and rurally isolated.

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