Monday 14 March 2011


25th Anniversary of the High Holbourne Cup
ALLER PARK FC vs Merriot Glovers

On the 1st May Aller Park is playing in the High Holbourne cup which is being played at Huish Park the Home of Yeovil Town FC.
There are 2 players from the village, Charlie Stamp and Jack Lyons, and they will be coming round selling tickets. These are priced at £2 for adults and FREE for children! With the ticket you also get a free programme.
If you are interested in sponsoring the event we could advertise your company in the match day programme. It costs £25 for a quarter page, £50 for a half page and £100 for a whole page.

Email: for details.

Charlie is the goalkeeper, centre in grey, Jack is a midfielder, in black top, alongside Charlie.
Hope you can support the Aller boys and team on their big day!

Thanks, Jack Lyons and Charlie Stamp

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