Thursday 13 January 2011

DragonFlyer lives

As of today (13th Jan 2011) The DragonFlyer is officially live and in flight.

There will be changes from time to time, so the items you want to follow or contribute to may change position and we will learn from experience and user feedback as we go along, so it will be a fluid environment. It's your publication, citizens of Aller, so make it your own, make it known and use it constructively.

It will supplement the Aller Bush Telegraph, but certainly won't replace it, as many of our residents don't have internet access.

You can find information on the organisations that use the Village Hall as a venue under that heading. We're trying to keep the navigation as simple and logical as possible, but we're open to suggestions for improvement.

Comments can be posted by anyone, using the link under each item or at the foot of each page, if you comment as 'Anonymous' which you can do without a Google account, please include your name so that we know the information is genuine.

New posts (subjects) can only be started by the authors, currently Chiggy Little, Catherine Saber, Celia Koslowski-Mayor and Ivor Dixon. Any organisation representative who wants to join that list please contact Ivor Dixon (link on our 'About...' page).

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