Friday 7 January 2011

The Aller (Broadband) connection

Our attempts to get Aller, or at least the Village Hall, connected to the outside world by broadband have hit a snag with a problem in getting a phone line across the main A372. The Hall is a single story building and we can't get sufficient height over the road (5.9m required) without putting in a pole,
the cost of which is nearly £1000. The grant we have will not cover this amount. We're looking at alternative solutions, but it may take some time.

We've been looking for an alternative location in the village that already has a broadband connection, and John and Ali at The Old Pound have offered us the use of the Snug so that we can start our classes immediately. Another possibility is that we use home connections for small groups of 3 or 4 neighbours, instead of one central group for a total of 8 to 10 people. Any suggestions and offers would be most welcome. Just reply with a comment to this post.

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