Tuesday 6 September 2016

Aller Village Hall AGM - 13th Sept.

The AGM of the Aller Village Hall Management Committee will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13thSeptember at 7.30. 
 It will be a short meeting preceding the regular Management Committee, but is open to all Aller Residents, new and old. A copy of the Agenda can be viewed here.
Aller is fortunate to have such a well-equipped hall at its disposal, but it relies on a small committee to keep it in good order, run the bookings and manage its finances. At last year's AGM, Sir Michael Layard gave notice of his intention to resign and we are currently without a Chairman. We are immensely grateful for all the time and effort Michael has put in over many years to make the Hall what it is today. Village organisations are represented on the Committee as Hall users, so the Village has a voice in deciding and implementing  policy. We need more people from the community to fill some gaps now, so please support your Hall by spending half an hour to attend the AGM. If you can't get to the meeting, but might consider joining the committee, please contact the Secretary, Alison Kennedy - her details are on the Village Hall page of this website.