Wednesday 3 October 2012

Grape Harvest and Save the Children Event

TODAY: Don't forget there is an openhouse/sale on today at Harwood House, across from the Village Hall. This is to benefit Save the Children and is the perfect place to start your Christmas Shopping!

20 OCTOBER: An e-mail has gone out to people who've expressed an interest in the past in picking grapes at Aller Vineyard. The grapes are very late this year, but the harvest is now scheduled for Saturday, 20 October, weather permitting. Wages will be £6.50 per hour, or the equivalent in wine (distributed when it's finished next year). We also encourage people to donate some or all of their wages to St Andrew's or Save the Children, and will have these donation options available as we make arrangements for payment. If you would like to pick grapes but are not on our e-mail list, please contact us immediately: Celia Kozlowski (Mayor) ( or Laura Evans / Guy Smith, 01458 259 075

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