Wednesday 12 September 2012

Aller & Levels 2013 Calendar

Pictures are needed to fill the 2013 Aller Calendar.
Elaine and David Major are organising this once again, with profits going towards the restoration work at St Andrew's Church.
Any pictures entered for the Fun Day competition (like 'Reflections' from Carolyn Moore alongside) will automatically be entered, but we need more choice and more contributors.
Pictures should be taken in or around Aller or on the Somerset Levels, and should be recent. There are no prizes other than the satisfaction of seeing your picture in print and doing your bit for a local good cause. Click on this link, you will need to log in (free!) using your own email address, and use the Web uploader option to post your photos. Please ensure you give it a title and include your name and contact details.
Please make this known among your photographer friends.

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