Sunday 24 June 2012

A really FUN Day!

Congratulations to all the organisers, those who helped with preparations and on the day, to those who came along and supported our village, and the organisations that were there.
Aller Jubilee Fun Day was just that. A really FUN DAY, for all ages and all the village. Luckily, the weather kept dry and the cloudbase allowed our spectacular flypast!
Thanks to all concerned.

More pictures will added to the slideshow on the Jubilee 2012 page later. If you have any of the events or activities, please let me have them.

The winners of the Jubilee Photo Competition were:
People and Portraits - Mary Lockyer
Pets and Animals - Carolyn Moore
Scenic - Mike Dean

15 and under, just one winner because of the low number of entries:
Carl Rankin.

Carl's picture (above right) also won the overall best in competition category.
All the entries are shown on the Jubilee 2012 page.

Winners of the 'Where in Aller' competition were Gill and Alf Sims.

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