Saturday 26 May 2012

Forces March 25th May 2012

Around 30 villagers, including members of the Snapdragons majorettes, turned out yesterday to march the Emblem of Courage on the Forces March from Aller to Langport.
A big thank you goes out to Chiggy and Rupert Little, Chiggy for rallying support and Rupert for his excellent lead vehicle. The walkers were supported the whole way by marching music broadcast from the back of his open top Land Rover. The village would also like to thank James, the Special Police Constable and PCSO Melanie Austin for the support they provided. The officers gave a blue light escort to ensure we were safe along the route.

A collection was held at the start of the Aller to Langport stretch of the walk, and donations can still be made at the following link:Veterans Charity.

See pictures from the walk below:

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely fantastic support - THANK YOU!!!!

    Danny Greeno
    The Veterans Charity


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