Wednesday 16 March 2011

April Roundabout News for Aller

Read it here first! Click on the Read more... link below to see what will appear in the April issue of the Roundabout magazine. There's news from the Parish Council meeting on Public transport, Allotments, The Royal Wedding, Parish Council elections and also items from St Andrews.

Keep up to date with all that’s happening in Aller by visiting the Village Dragonflyer website frequently.

Royal Wedding Celebration: The event being planned by the church has been fused with the event planned by others in Aller to create a single special tea party for Aller children. It will be held at the Old Pound Inn from 3 to 6 p.m. on Friday, 29 April. Our Parish Council has made a generous donation subsidising the party (which will include fun and souvenirs), and people are coming forward with offers of food, treats, and supervision. We do need to know numbers -- please reserve places for your children with Sandra Bartlett (01458 253 389) or Ali (01458 250 469; at the pub by April 15. Entertainment will be provided by Aller’s Snapdragons.

Village Hall – We will be installing broadband in the Village Hall as soon as BT visits to locate the appropriate underground cables and/or puts up a pole for lines over the road. Thanks to Keith Mitchell for allowing access and use of his property to make this possible. In the weeks ahead, we look forward to arranging Aller internet access at the Village Hall.

Parish Council: Allotments: We will indeed have allotments available at the west end of Aller this year! Thanks to Sammy Mitchell for allowing access and use of his property to make this possible. Please contact Gerard Tucker for details. (, 252359).

: Contact Gerard Tucker or parish clerk Emma Meecham ( for nomination forms and details if you would like to stand for election to the Parish Council.

Public Transport: Due to county budget cuts, there will be numerous changes to the bus schedule in Somerset beginning 17 April, including elimination of some evening, Sunday, and holiday services. It does not appear that there will be any changes in Route 16 through Aller (Huish Episcopi to Bridgwater), but there are changes for Routes 54 (Taunton to Yeovil) and 377 (Wells to Yeovil). Check the Somerset County Council website for the complete list of changes: .

St Andrews ( Easter lilies: please contact Thelma or Linda Stamp to reserve flowers in honor or remembrance of loved ones. Lilies are £2.50 each. Please put your request and payment through Thelma’s letterbox by 18 April.

If this issue of The Roundabout is out early, don’t forget St. Andrew’s AGM and PCC election in the Village Hall on 6 April at 7:00 p.m. We hope to have a spirited discussion of what the church needs to do to better serve Aller. Also, please join us on 17 April for Palm Sunday, and 24 April for Easter (both services at 9:30).

Many thanks to all who assisted with and attended Aller’s Famine Lunch. We raised £251 for international relief charities. See more pictures on St. Andrew's Page.

Sewing Group – Aller’s needlework group meets next on Monday 11 April. Bring your latest project and join us for a cup of coffee in the Village Hall at 10 a.m.

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