Friday 11 November 2011

Aller Calendar 2012

We had a great response for good quality photographs of Aller and the surrounding area to include in the 2012 calendar. The calendar is now in production, but keep snapping for next year's edition.


  1. Apologies if you could not see the slideshow earlier, it was not correctly shared for anyone to view it. It should be working now. ENJOY!
    Thanks to everyone who has contributed, judging is going to be quite a task.

  2. Pre-order your calendar now!
    Single calendar in postal envelope £6.75
    Three calendars for £17.50, Five for £25, Ten for £45 (envelopes 25p each if required)
    All for prepaid orders.

    We've plenty of pictures now and the final choice is being made to have a sample calendar available on 22nd at the coffee morning.
    Get snapping for next year's!


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